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Radio Interview
Angel One Eye

Hear this epic Radio Interview Live with then One and only controversial Occult/Horror Filmmaker Seraphim Ward on KJAG RADIO the Jiggy Jaguar Experience Angel One Eye is the Occult/Horror film which was Directed/Written/Filmed and Cast by Seraphim Ward..

The Trailer to The REAPER Episode 1 of ANGEL ONE EYE

this Teaser features STAR Director: SERAPHIM WARD and STAR actors Rich Manley, Yolanda Gene Tharpe, Robert Garretson & Mimi Miyagi

Director Filmmaker of the Occult Yolanda Gene Tharpe Filmmaker Seraphim Ward
Thanks to the 1st. AD for assisting Seraphim as she did her Cameo Scene!
Rich Manley Actor Angel One Eye the Reaper
Seraphim Aun Weor Occultist Seraphim Ward_ Yolanda Gene Tharpe
MiMi Miyagi actress Angel One Eye the Reaper
Robert Garretson Actor Angel One Eye
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